Letter confirming dismissal /action short of dismissal (following disciplinary warnings)

Add/delete information in brackets as appropriate

[add date]

Private and confidential

[add address]


Dear [add name],

Further to your disciplinary hearing with me on [add date], I write to summarise our discussion and confirm the outcome.

[[add name] was also present at the meeting]. You [were accompanied at the meeting by [add name]] or [chose not to be accompanied at the meeting].

I explained to you the Company’s dissatisfaction with your conduct. You will recall that we discussed [state precise nature of the misconduct or of the complaint].

You said in response that [summarise what the individual said in their defence].

In the meeting, it was established that the Company’s dissatisfaction with your conduct was well founded, in particular [state brief grounds for decision].

I [was not able to find any mitigating circumstances] or [did not find your explanation above acceptable because [state reasons]]

The Company has previously taken disciplinary action against you on [summarise the dates of previous warnings and the stages of the discipline procedure]. After the meeting on [add date of final warning], you were informed that [any further misconduct] or [failure to make the required improvements in your behaviour] within [state period of final warning] would result in your dismissal. Having taken all of the facts and circumstances into consideration, I have decided to [terminate your employment] or [state action short of dismissal, for example demotion, and effective date]

If dismissal

Either (if the employee is to be paid in lieu of notice)

[Your termination date will be [add current date]. The Company will make a payment to you in lieu of notice. You will receive payment in respect of any holidays which you have accrued but not taken. All pay owing to you will be [confirm arrangements for final pay]. Your P45 will be sent to you in due course.]

Or (if the employee is required to work during his/her notice period)

[Your termination date will be [add date] on completion of your notice period. You will receive payment in respect of any holidays which you have accrued but not taken. All pay owing to you will be [confirm arrangements for final pay]. Your P45 will be sent to you in due course.]

In line with Company procedures, you have the right to appeal against this decision. The appeal will be heard by [add name and title of person who will deal with the appeal], [who has not previously been involved in this matter]. If you wish to appeal, please write to [add name] at [add address] within five working days of receiving this letter, stating the grounds for your appeal.

Yours sincerely,

[add name]
[add title]