Clinical Council for Eye Health Commissioning appoints new chair

Pictured above: Parul Desai and David Parkins

Pictured above: Parul Desai and David Parkins

Consultant ophthalmologist, Parul Desai, took over from David Parkins as chair of the Clinical Council for Eye Health Commissioning (CCEHC) on June 29. David will serve as vice-chair. Both were elected following a vote by the members of Clinical Council.

The CCEHC brings together the leading professional, patient and representative bodies involved in eye health, providing collective expertise to commissioners, providers, clinicians and policy-makers on the commissioning of eye health services in England.

“The Clinical Council has grown in stature and reputation under the excellent chairmanship of David Parkins”, said Parul Desai. “I am proud to be taking over from him in chairing a body with such vast collective expertise. I will continue strengthening relationships across professional boundaries and I look forward to working with NHS England, Local Eye Health Network chairs, STPs, CCGs, and the range of providers within eye health to develop improved co-ordination and integration between services.”

David Parkins added: “The Council had been a key voice in promoting eye health commissioning to deliver improved services for patients. We have developed a range of commissioning frameworks which risk stratify the eye health and sight loss pathways and, if implemented at scale, would relieve some of the capacity pressures within the system. It’s been a privilege to serve as chair of the CCEHC which has achieved a great deal in terms of collaboration and output. In handing over the chairmanship to Parul, I know it is in safe and very capable hands.”

The CCEHC was formed in 2013 and has been working in partnership with NHS England to support the development of services to meet local population needs and improve outcomes for patients.