Sarah Sharpe FBDO – Continuing Improvement Certificate

I have been working in the optical industry for several years at various practices. I have set myself career goals, one of these being working towards a managerial role.  

My current position is as a qualified dispensing optician for an independent practice, who pride themselves in great customer service. It has been through this practice that I have been able to realise and grow my management experience. 

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic roles within the practice and staffing levels changed significantly. The number of employees almost halved so team members had to be adaptable, resilient, and able to think on their feet in these uncertain times. As a natural leader I want to continue to help with the overall smooth running of the practice as well as encouraging, supporting and empowering team members to ensure maximizing the potential of each employee as well as keeping the business established and maintaining the customer service and positive experience. 

Although I have never had the formal title of manager, in previous roles I have been responsible for managing the business in the managers absence in addition to training and developing new starters and existing team members.  

Having set my goals, it was important for me to turn my considerable skills and experience into a formal qualification so with the help of CMI. I have been able to understand the nuances of managing different person types and leadership qualities to increase my confidence by equipping me with the tools I need. 

Completing the course workbook has allowed me to apply my new knowledge to real life situations and scenarios, good and bad. ABDO offered me a structured approach to learning and allowed me to apply that learning directly into the workplace. I am now able to assess all situations and use the skills I learnt through ABDO/CMI and I have tools at my disposal to help in many situations, and the confidence to use them. 

Completing my first unit of the Continuing Improvement Certificate – ‘Principles of delivering coaching and mentoring’ taught me a myriad of different skills and management techniques in only a few weeks. These have helped with real life.  

Getting back into studying after having a break in education after completing my diploma in Ophthalmic Dispensing over a year ago has been challenging, especially whilst being in full time employment. It has taught me the importance of effective time management as well as having to self-motivate and encourage myself. Setting myself targets, but also with the adaptability of the ABDO tutors, I was able to complete the course even when life got in the way. 

I have learnt that there is no such thing as one size fits all in management or leading people. It is important to be understanding, relatable and empathetic when coaching and mentoring and I have not only learnt these skills by looking at various models but by my awareness of the wider team, their morale, enthusiasm, the rewards (not just monetary) and job satisfaction and what makes people tick. These are the key factors in any organisation being productive, effective, and sustainable. 

Understanding the importance of empowering and developing team members has given me the confidence to address more senior people within the organisation and being able to show the benefits, both tangible and non, of coaching and mentoring and how it can benefit the business.

Using my new skills and knowledge I hope to help my team by positively influencing them and help them help themselves rather than spoon feeding them answers. Using a structured plan, I can now help team members achieve their goals which will create a skilled workforce who are able to think for themselves; the teach them to fish analogy has been used more than once. 

In the short term I am honing my newfound skills, utilising the new tools and continuing to build my self-awareness and how it helps others.  

My plan is to move into a managerial role, while maintaining my customer service responsibilities; that is where I get the most satisfaction, seeing happy customers walk out, or returning when they need advice or upgrades.