We encourage all ABDO members to regularly take part in CPD to ensure you are up to date in the broad scope of practice of your professional role. We recommend all members to regularly review your CPD cycle progress on the MyGOC site and to review and update your Professional Development Plan as required.

We will continue to provide a variety of interactive and non-interactive CPD online throughout 2023, including peer discussion for CLOs and face to face events.

ABDO is committed to deliver sufficient CPD to attain at least your minimum CPD requirement over the CPD cycle, with a full range of learning domains for ABDO members. Regular, monthly CPD via distance learning articles in Dispensing Optics and interactive CPD webinars will continue to ensure the minimum annual requirement of CPD points can easily be obtained by ABDO members.

ABDO has the following CPD options available for you to access online.

  • Online Peer Discussion -we are scheduling regular small group, online discussion based workshops. Both dispensing based sessions and contact lens practitioner specific sessions will be available. New sessions will be opening for booking regularly and new topics will be added ongoing. All sessions are approved for 3 interactive CPD points and the contact lens practitioner sessions will also count towards the peer discussion CPD cycle requirement for contact lens opticians and optometrists. Visit the Events page to book on to a session.
  • Child Safeguarding – this Level 2 course has been designed for specifically for dispensing opticians and has been approved for 1 CPD point. This online module can only be completed by ABDO members only.
  • Dispensing Optics CPD articles – once logged into your membership portal on the ABDO website, use the link on the dashboard for CPD Online. From here you will find our monthly articles and multiple choice questions as well as our CPD recorded lectures.
  • Recorded lectures – Now available alongside our Dispensing Optics CPD articles in the CPD online section of the membership portal.
  • Webinars – We will continue to host our bi-monthly interactive CPD webinars. To book onto these please do so via the events page. Please note you will be required to log in to book.
  • Standards of Practice Modules – Now available from your CPD Dashboard in the CPD online section of the membership portal.

If you have any concerns about anything CPD or are trying to re-register to the GOC please feel free to call the CPD Team on 01206 734155 or email abdocpd@abdo.org.uk

CPD Certificates can be found in your membership area – download instructions here.


Continuing Professional Development

There is a statutory scheme for dispensing opticians and optometrists who wish to maintain registration with the General Optical Council. The scheme runs in three-year periods, and the current three-year period will end on 31 December 2024. All dispensing opticians and optometrists will have to gain 36 CPD credits by December 2024, for continued registration.

For CPD events visit the Events section of the ABDO website.