Bookings for the Summer 2025 exams are now open and will close on 1 March 2025. Book here
R7.1.1 Some unregistered persons and unenrolled bodies corporate engaged in selling spectacles may employ registered dispensing opticians. While it is not unlawful to accept such employment, ABDO recognises that to do so could raise important legal and ethical issues and may create problems.
R7.2.1 ABDO takes the view that it might constitute serious professional misconduct for a registered dispensing optician to enter, or to remain in the employment of, or in professional association with, lay persons (that is, not a doctor, hospital authorities, registered opticians or enrolled bodies corporate) whose business is carried on without regard to the principles of good professional conduct. The unregistered seller remains subject to no control but the employed registered dispensing optician, working full or part time, would be considered by the GOC as responsible for adhering to GOC policies and ABDO guidelines. Moreover, the fact that a registered dispensing optician is on the premises all or part of the time does not mean that all of the available service will be provided by registered personnel. It is misleading to suggest otherwise to the public. If any title is to be used, it should indicate the registered dispensing optician’s name and qualifications and hours of attendance. It is also important to ensure that, in accordance with the Sale of Optical Appliances Order of Council 1984, the prescriptions of the following categories of patients are dispensed by or under the supervision of a qualified registered medical practitioner, qualified registered optometrist or qualified registered dispensing optician.
R7.3.1 Certain professional functions are regulated by law:
R7.4.1 Those registered dispensing opticians who are charged with the supervision of trainees in practice have a considerable obligation. Supervisors should ensure that their trainees are registered with the GOC.
R7.5.1 Individual supervisors of registered student dispensing opticians and trainee contact lens opticians must be approved by ABDO and comply with the following requirements:
R7.6.1 See Student Section.