Thinking Green Part 3: Upping your recycling game

What do you recycle already at home or at work? Some things are straightforward to recycle, especially if your area has good local schemes.

Here are some ideas, inspiration and resources to help you up your recycling game.

Look around your workplace and check whether you are recycling all you can.

Here is a list to help you:
• Do you recycle paper?
• Do you recycle plastic?
• Do you recycle glass?
• Do you recycle contact lenses and lens packaging?

Why not look at the information you have in practice and on your website about recycling. If you can create an online guide for patients to help them recycle contact lenses and lens packaging, your actions will have a bigger impact.

Stay in touch

How are you spreading the word about your move to be more sustainable? Have you highlighted it on your practice or business website, or on social media? If you have, let us know by sharing on social media and using the hashtag #thinkinggreen

Making great progress? Why not submit a case study about your journey to sustainability?

Watch out for more inspiring sustainable ideas next month.

This article includes some of the tips that you can get after you complete the ABDO Sustainability Self Assessment Tool, which you can find here.

If you haven’t yet done the questionnaire, it is a great place to start your journey to a more sustainable practice in 2022. You can also opt in to get tips to your inbox each week.