5 quick wins: launching a new service

If you are launching new service it is easy to focus on the technicalities, such as new equipment and staff training, but it is also key to let as many people as possible know what you now offer. Read on for tips on how to do this…

  1. Make a promotion plan for the next 12 months so you don’t start off with a big bang and end up with a fizzle. People need a number of reminders before they take action, so keep on highlighting your new product or service.
  2. Write down what is unique about your new service. Is your practice the only one to offer this in your town or county? Keep this at the heart of all your promotions.
  3. Be clear about who it might help; what age, gender, habits will they have, and where might you find them? Write a focused line or two about the benefits of your new product or service for this group.
  4. Write down as many ways as possible to reach this group or groups of people, from social media to events to advertising and print media, word of mouth and staff recommendations.
  5. Prioritise methods of communication that have worked well for you in the past, and make sure you have new ideas too, so there is something happening to promote your new service every week.