Rebecca Andrew-Crowe – Level 5 Diploma

Why did the course appeal to you?

The course appealed to me as it offered structure and knowledge for a role I have gained through experience. I lacked foundations of knowledge and this in turn I felt impacted my confidence in my ability to be the best manager I could be. I didn’t want to be an accidental manager with no grounding or understanding so when I heard about this course and the principles it covered, I knew immediately it would be of great value to myself and my role.

How did it help your current role?

I feel it has helped me immensely. Most important to me was helping give me a confident core understanding of team leadership, creating an empowering environment for growth for all team members.

Has it helped with your career aspirations?

The course has inspired me to grow more. It’s made me excited about learning and also given me a chance to believe in myself, made me realise I can embrace roles in my career I would shy away from because I lacked knowledge. This course has opened my mind and can now open doors for my future.

How did you find the course in terms of content, support, ease of study?

The support throughout was incredible. My tutor gave me time, different perspectives and direction when I felt I needed it. The resources were fantastic, a wealth of knowledge available at your fingertips along with tutors who really believe in you.

What do you plan to do next?

Now I’ve completed this course I’m keen to out my learning into action in my current role and grow my leadership skills even more. It offers so many transferable skills in any sector of management and leadership, I plan to continue learning and mentor others to grow also.

Who would you recommend the course to?

I would highly recommend this course to all professionals interested in leadership and management, from all walks of life. The grounding knowledge it provides would be beneficial to all. Becoming a manager through experience is one thing, but understanding the principles behind it is fundamental and can help anyone be the best they can be.