ABDO response to the Daily Mail article on Pinhole spectacles.

Responding to the article in the Daily Mail on Pinhole spectacles, Association of British Dispensing Opticians President Clive Marchant said, ” We do not recommend the use of pinhole spectacles for any type of visual correction and driving is a definite NO.  Pinhole spectacles have many disadvantages over a prescribed pair of spectacles. The main issues, apart from the poor cosmetic appearance, include poor and dim image quality, poor colour recognition and extremely limited peripheral vision.”

Commenting on claims that pinhole spectacles can train or exercise your eyes, reducing or eliminating the need for corrective spectacles, Marchant adds, “This is simply not true. If you find your vision appears clearer through a pin hole, go and see you Optician for a full eye examination. Everyone should have an eye examinations every two years and children and those with certain medical conditions more frequently. Ask your Optician for more advice.”