ABDO to ensure DOs’ voice heard on optical apprenticeships

ABDO has accepted an invitation to work as part of the Optical Trailblazer Group on apprenticeships.

The invitation was accepted, the Association confirmed, as it was “vital that the dispensing optician’s voice is part of the process in assessing if – and how – apprenticeships might work within this industry”.

Clarifying the Association’s position, ABDO general secretary Tony Garrett, said: “We recognise that there are strong views on the current proposals for apprenticeships for optometrists. It’s not for ABDO to decide the mode of training for optometrists.

“What does matter is that it must be demonstrably safe for patients, and that high standards of training and education are maintained.”

ABDO said that it would be looking closely at any proposals for apprenticeships for dispensing opticians, and would continue to be involved in the process.

However, it added that it was too early to make further definitive comment at this time.