“Enormous gratitude” expressed to optical professions

ABDO general secretary, Tony Garrett

Members of the optical professions, via their representative bodies, have been recognised for their “immense efforts” in supporting primary eye health care during the pandemic.

In a letter co-signed by health and social care, ophthalmic and optical leaders in the UK, dispensing opticians, optometrists and practice support staff have been praised for their “passion and commitment” shown working across all roles throughout the pandemic.

“We should be proud that optometry and optics is recognised as an essential primary care healthcare service,” the letter states, “but with that comes responsibilities – including continuing to provide services during this current phase of the pandemic. The guidance provided by the professional organisations aims to support you as you provide services to your patients during this amber phase.”

Optical professionals were encouraged to “look after their colleagues” as they continued to face “professional dilemmas” as some “may be pushed to the limits of physical and mental endurance…protracted, relentless crises are often much more draining than short intense ones.”

ABDO general secretary, Tony Garrett, a co-signatory of the letter, commented: “I am delighted that the dedication of dispensing opticians and their optometry colleagues during the pandemic has been recognised in such a public way. It is encouraging that all nations of the United Kingdom have come together to recognise the vital role that the profession makes.”

Letter in full

This year has started in a way we could all have barely imagined 12 months ago, and we wanted to write to thank all of you for your immense efforts. After the long ordeal of last year, we entered the New Year with the real hope that vaccination offers to control Covid and the very substantial impact that it has had on health, lives and livelihoods but with a significant surge in cases to deal with before that begins to take effect.

There are many weeks ahead that will continue to be among the most challenging of all our professional lives. Optometrists, dispensing opticians and their support staff will be faced with many professional dilemmas and some may be pushed to the limits of physical and mental endurance. Please look after your colleagues – protracted, relentless crises are often much more draining than short intense ones.

We should be proud that optometry and optics is recognised as an essential primary care healthcare service but with that comes responsibilities including continuing to provide services during this current phase of the pandemic. The guidance provided by the professional organisations aims to support you as you provide services to your patients during this Amber phase.

We wrote to you in late November and previous communications issued during the pandemic contained important advice concerning the application of clinical decisions in extreme circumstances and we would encourage you to read them if you have not already done so.

Our view remains that clinical decision making must remain anchored in the principles of the GOC Standards of Practice and guidance provided by the College of Optometrists. This means it must also rightly take into account the realities of the situation in which we find ourselves. We would emphasise once again that a rational approach to varying practice in an emergency is part of a healthcare worker’s professional response, and we would expect you to be professionally supported to do this. Many optometrists and dispensing opticians are as a result of this emergency working in new ways, new areas of ophthalmic care and taking decisions in a way they would not under normal conditions, and this should be expected and professionally supported.

All health and social care, and ophthalmic and optical leaders, have huge confidence in the ability and judgement of all our colleagues to meet these challenges. We have been inspired by the passion and commitment of optical professionals working in all roles throughout the pandemic. This will not be easy and we continue to express our enormous gratitude for all you are doing.

We stand with you professionally at this time.

Kind regards,

Mr Raymond Curran
Head of Ophthalmic Services, Health and Social Care Board Northern Ireland

Mr David O’Sullivan
Chief Optometric Advisor / Prif Optometrig Ymgynghorol,
Welsh Government / Llywodraeth Cymru

Dr Janet Pooley
Optometric Advisor, Scottish Government

Mr Colin Davidson
President, College of Optometrists

Sir Anthony Garrett
General Secretary, Association of British Dispensing Opticians (ABDO)

Mrs Lesley Longstone
Registrar and Chief Executive, General Optical Council